How to find the best bookkeeper in Sussex

A bookkeeper is a bookkeeper. Right? Wrong. Some are better than others. So how do you pick out the best bookkeeping in Brighton, the worthiest bookkeepers in Worthing, the easiest bookkeepers in Eastbourne to work with? Here's some sensible advice.

Do they know your area?

A local bookkeeper is always a good idea, because you can actually go and see them in person. If they can come and see you – or work at your premises if needs be - even better.

Are they efficient and organised?

You expect your bookkeeper to be a highly organised type. But it's also important to find someone who offers a punctual, targeted personal service so you're not just another cog in the wheel. You need people who believe no size fits all.

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The right level of qualifications and experience

You need to find someone with plenty of qualified bookkeeping experience, someone who can focus on your specific needs and knows the business landscape inside out. A business-savvy bookkeeper is a lot more useful than someone who knows how to carry out the nuts and bolts but doesn't understand the wider context.

Flexible to meet your changing needs

Flexibility is vital too, someone who can react quickly if you need extra support. More of a financial partner than a service, someone who can continue to provide the services you need as you grow.

If you have ambitions and plan to expand, find someone who also provides VAT and Payroll services and can support you with Office of National Statistics Returns and European Community Sales Lists. And make sure they'll eventually be able to function as a discrete bookkeeping department.

It doesn't have to be a big bookkeeping firm. Just one with the right expertise so your relationship is future-proof. Where finances are concerned, continuity is a real benefit.

An expert in your field

It's not essential. A good bookkeeping firm will turn their skills to any sector or industry. But it's another feather to your bow if yours has experience in your field. Take us – we have particular experience in the retail trade, everything from fast moving consumer goods to cash shops, pawn shops and multiple convenience stores. But we'll happily work with clients in almost any industry.

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Enthusiasm counts

Look for someone who has a real passion for crunching numbers. Not just someone who does it because they can. As you know yourself, your best work is almost always the work you love best!

Ask for all this...

Here's a list of 11 things the perfect Sussex bookkeeper should be able to give you.

1.Experience across various popular accounts software - and the ability to learn yours quickly if necessary

2.Properly integrated reports

3.Perfect management accounts

4.The ability to work at your place if you prefer it that way

5.Timely, accurate Payroll information

6.Trial balance work, so you know you're on track

7.Producing essential documentation for your bank and finance agreements

8.Profit and loss reports plus summary reports when you need them

9.A simple pricing structure with a simple hourly rate

10.Preparing your VAT returns

11.Weekly, monthly and quarterly processing

We provide VAT, Payroll and bookkeeping services in Shoreham, Worthing, Newhaven, Seaford, Eastbourne and right across Sussex. Right on your doorstep. If you have any questions, fill in our contact form or call for an informal chat. We're on 01273 661913.

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