Let's Do Business - Brighton May 2016

Aben Bookkeeping will have a stand at Let's Do Business Brighton taking place on Thursday 12 May 2016. The venue is the Brighton Racecourse, Freshfield Road, Brighton BN2 9XZ. http://www.brighton-racecourse.co.uk/about-us/contact-us.php

There is an excellent bus service from central Brighton and plenty of parking too,

Levi Roots http://www.leviroots.com/ is the keynote speaker at the event and we are really looking forward to hearing about his experience developing his reggae reggae product range, his time on Dragon's Den, the opening of his first restaurant at the Westfield Stratford City in partnership with Erin Ali, co-founder of Las Iguanas, and the business lessons he has learnt along the way.

The Aben Bookkeeping stand is no. 128 – We would love you to pop by and say Hi.

In the meantime if you have any questions or queries about the services do get in touch